So, the English Immersion program ended and everyone packed up to go home or to continue their travels.

I'm not sure how to wrap that adventure up for you: it was a lot of fun and sometimes exhausting (probably more tiring for the students than the teachers!) and we all gelled to the point of some tears during the 'graduation' ceremony.  As my daughter Lindsy would say- it was like summer camp for adults!

But what sticks with me most is the drive the students had to work that hard and what they were willing to pay ($$, time away from family, giving up a week of their vacation time)  to go through it. Some had their course paid for by employers but it was difficult to tell which ones. I think all were there for careers gains, either to keep or be promoted in their current jobs or to be more employable elsewhere. The economy is so bad in Spain now that quite a few were there to be better readied to apply elsewhere in Europe or beyond. One man was there because he feared for the futures of his children and had applied to a job in Switzerland. The kids were still young (4 and 7) but this dad could see 55% (!) unemployment for young men now and wasn't going to take chances.

Of course, this made all the Anglos take what we were doing very seriously even though the activities were fun. We stuck to the rules: English only, mix a lot, have fun, be punctual. Later we corrected and encouraged. We gave extra time when someone was ready to make a presentation.

I did the best I could although unfortunately I caught a little cold just before arriving and my voice changes on the plane over. I never got it totally back and I think at least that group of Spaniards may think all women from the US sound like Brenda Vaccaro or thought we are always just finishing a whiskey & cigarette.

I'd volunteer again, even possibly later during this trip, most likely in a different location. This program has eight locations: five in Spain and three in Germany. They are also hiring buuuut I'm not ready to settle down and do paid work just yet. You can find out more at

Colin almost blocking me with his ultimate photobomb:

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