Dec 6

There's a sign I see on a downtown business that demands that you

"Do Something Everyday That Scares You!!"

I'm not sure what kind of business it is.  In my mind, it's a tattoo or piercing place because that's what would scare me the most. Or maybe a bikini wax place or a biker bar. Well, whatever. I decided to blindly accept that advice and try to remember it whenever something new triggers a little anxiety.  (I will still avoid any major scary things; bungee jumping, for example, or shopping on Black Friday.  ) 

Aaaanway, I channeled the slogan when I walked in to Game Night  and realized we wouldn't be playing something familiar like Scrabble or Apples to Apples, but rather some young 'uns -playing, mythical-monster-slaying, points  & trophy collecting, complex medieval card game. There were two similar game choices, at two different tables. One game was apparently easier to learn than the other- at least that's what one guy told my while shooing me away from his table to the other one. The second tablemates were sort of stuck with me. 

But they were mostly patient as they taught me the game. I tried not to ask too many questions and they pretty much closely watched and discussed each other's strategies and moves. And in the end, we tallied up all our points and I had kicked their asses! Two of the three loved this and thought it was hilarious!! The owner of the game wasn't as excited. He takes his gaming more seriously. 

So, game night is every Tuesday night at Diversions in Portsmouth. I might be back. It's not so scary!

PS I bought a great new game called "Reverse Charades." Instead of one person acting out the clue and having his team guess it, the whole team acts it out for one person. The box has clues like "piƱata" and paparazzi." Won't that be a riot to play? If you are reading this, you are invited to play with me in mid January. RSVP by email. 

(PSS : Shout out to Alex. It turns out he plays Ascension on his phone. It's possible he has new found respect for me. Maybe I'll challenge him to a game when  get home!)

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